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12 Jan

Peter and Maria lectured at the conference SIBAF Forum – October 2016

Peter Bak and Maria Nemcova have lectured at the conference SIBAF Forum organized by the Slovak association of insurance intermediaries (abbreviation in Slovak: SASP) on the topic of competitive conduct of certain persons and possibilities of its limitation. Subsequently, Maria Nemcova has also provided an interview to the magazine “O poistení”. Čítajte viac

12 Jan

A simple stock company

With effect from 01.01.2017, it is possible to establish, in addition to the four already existing types of business companies in Slovakia, a new fifth type of a business company, namely the so-called simple stock company. The above mentioned change is a result of the adoption of Act No. 389/2015 Coll. on Amending and Supplementing […]

29 May

Peter Bak and Maria Nemcova lectured at the conference SIBAF workshops & seminars – April 2016

Peter Bak and Maria Nemcova have lectured at the conference SIBAF workshops & seminars organized by the Slovak association of insurance intermediaries (abbreviation in Slovak SASP) on the topic of effective protection of sensitive information of a company. For more information from the conference program click here. Subsequently, Maria Nemcova has also provided an interview […]

14 May

Draft of the Act on creation of legal regulation and on the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic

On 24.04. 2015, the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic submitted to the interdepartmental commentary procedure a draft of the act on the creation of legal regulation and on the Collection of Laws of the Slovak (“Draft of the Act on Legislation Process“). Although the proposed Draft of the Act on Legislation Process does […]

21 Jan

Work Health Service (“WHS”) and legislative changes related thereto

Amendment to the Act No. 355/2007 Coll. on Protection, Support and Development of Public Health and on Amendment and Supplements to Certain Acts (“Public Health Act”) On 01.08.2014, the Act No. 204/2014 Coll. on Amending and Supplementing of the Public Health Act entered into effect. The most significant changes brought by the aforementioned amendment of […]